A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words

This has been on the back burner for quite some time. Given the flurry of activity on the Murder of the Boy: Archived Images from the Cleveland Plain Dealer page, I felt that it was time to post these images. Thanks to eBay, I have located actual press photos taken by the Cleveland Press, one of Cleveland’s daily newspapers that ceased operation in 1982. These photos have probably never been available for viewing since their initial publication.

The photos depict Mariann K. Colby during various stages of her arraignment; included as well is one picture of a very young Dane G. Colby.  Dane was used as a scapegoat by his mother, who tried to shift blame to him until it was proven that Dane could not have pulled the trigger on the gun that killed Cremer.

It’s taken me a while to process these photos emotionally.



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